Teaching/ PK - 12 Learners a Detailed Break Down

     The following three pages shows the evolution of day one of my lesson plan from week one of ITL 528 until week three. Included in the links below are the elements used to teach the first day of this five day lesson plan.

     This page is a more detailed look at my PK - 12 learners. Some of the information comes from this class. A lot was retrieved from ITL 526. Much of this information was used in planning out the five-day lesson plan. While these pages focus only on day one, this part is applicable to days one through five. That's why it was created as a separate table in every plan it was applied to. Also included in this table is information about my background and a generic breakdown for UDL application.
  1. Evolution of the Lesson Plan
  2. Student Work/ Pics/ Rubrics/ Notes
  3. Power Point/ Notes/ Graphic Organizers
  4. PK - 12 Learners a Detailed Break Down - You Are Here
Teacher:  Shayne M. Whitehead
DAY ONE TO FIVE TEMPLATE – Unchanging Information
Subject  / grade level: English Language Literature 6th Grade
My Biases & Background
  • My Background: As an instructor, I was raised in a middle-class suburban household in Mesa, Arizona. As a result, I am not always up on the struggles of students underserved areas where I work. Because of this, I find myself needing to remind myself that I can’t always relate to my students’ struggles.
  •  My Dispositions: The strength of my disposition is patience. My weakness is finding empathy in situations I have never experienced. I also have a strength in explaining literary concepts in multiple manners.   
  • My Expectations: I maintain high and rigorous expectations of my students. While I try to be flexible with late work and rectifying low scores, I try never to settle for minimum passing scores.
  • My Community: My community is Long Beach, California. Long Beach is a diverse community. It is the 7th largest city in California. Approximately 58% of Long Beach is White with 33% identifying as some other race. These statistics however are somewhat misleading. Recently, Wallet Hub ranked Long Beach as the tenth most diverse city in the United States. So, these demographics vary largely by neighborhood.
  •  Guiding Tenets: My guiding tenants are to be patient and explain things in new ways until comprehension is clear. In the event comprehension seems elusive, it’s important to back up until everyone in the class understands where the lesson is going.

PK12 Learners

  • Grade Level: My grade level is 6th grade. In general, while showing potential, they lose focus early. And it only takes one projector failure to lure them into side conversations.
  • ·Academic Level: My long-term students have been mostly high end or special education. While at Washington, I was kept for support in special education and classrooms with behavior management issues.
  • Life Experiences: I have students who are homeless. I have students who are in gangs. Often, talking to the parents does not help as the parents are in the same gang as their children. In other cases, the parents are working more than one job to keep up with rising expenses.
  • Language: The two most common languages, outside English in Long Beach and LBUSD, are Spanish and Khmer. There are many support tools for Spanish speakers. There are significantly less for students whose native language is Khmer.
  • Social Emotional: Most students in Long Beach need additional Social Emotional support. This may be related to Long Beach being an incredibly diverse city. As a result, often there are a lot of high needs students in any LBUSD class. Keeping up with the highest need students can monopolize an educator’s time. This may lead to them underserving the students who are working at grade-level.
Needed Materials:

Generic UDL Guidelines

  • All reading will be available in written, audial, and visual forms where possible.
  • When students are asked to write their final creative writing assignment about what it means to grow up they will be allowed to write a story, poem, or non-fiction essay. As many channels to express themselves will be left open as possible.
  • Engagement will come mostly from group work and real-world connections.
  • Engagement will also come from understanding each author’s bio so the students are reading the narratives of real people who have endured some struggles similar to their own. It is important for students to understand how those struggles help form the theme.

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