Artifact Four

Assessing this Portfolio/

& Analysis

My journey to get a single subject English credential began August 1st, 2018. After waiting on my financial aid, I was officially enrolled in my first five classes. This began with ITL600, an introduction to teaching. The second part of the journey, ITL602, was a fascinating look at the history and context of education. From the third step of the journey, ITL604, I chose the brochure 27 ways to Improve Parental Involvement for Artifact Three. 

ITL 606 was a little different. Each candidate was asked to assess the portfolio itself. Here was my written response to the analysis questions. In the end, the professor agreed with my assessment. That was nerve racking because this professor graded to the hundredth of a point.

Instructor Assessment

Showcase: Organization & Selection of Evidence
The page/site is clearly organized and contains content that creatively welcomes the audience to the Showcase and introduces the artifacts/assignments using multimodal forms of communication (pictures, videos, comics, graphic organizers etc).
Yes – Rational below
The selection of artifacts/assignments demonstrates clarity of ideas and concepts for multiple audiences (peers, instructors, & school leaders) and would be useful to learn about the candidate’s perspective on teaching and learning.
Yes – Rational below
Reflection of Professional Growth: TPE Elements & INSPIRE
The selection of artifacts/assignments for this course shows a clear description of the evidence and thoughtful analysis of how the candidate’s professional growth connects to two or more TPE elements.

Yes – Rational below
The candidate provides a recommendation for continued professional growth of beliefs, teaching practices and/or knowledge related to the identified TPE elements.
Yes – Rational below
The candidate has provided a clear explanation of how the selected assignments/artifacts contributes to their Showcase in a positive way.

Yes – Rational below
The candidate’s reflection shares evidence that is connected to the construct of INSPIRE as framed by the candidate.  Providing evidence of growth from the Intra (self as inspired teacher) and Inter (how I inspire my Pk12 learners) perspective.
Yes  - Rational below
Candidate Self- Assessment

Teacher Performance Expectation
The TPE elements I chose is strongly connected to the assignments/artifacts I selected and shows growth of my beliefs, teaching practices, knowledge, and professional dispositions as an educator.
1 – Rational below

Inspired Framework
My reflective narrative exhibits detailed evidence of professional growth as I become and “Inspired Educator”. This includes my experience inspiring Pk12 students (Inter) in the classroom and includes people, experiences, and events that have inspired me to become a teacher (Intra).
1 – Rational below

Instructor Points

 The instructor agreed with my assessment points.
Candidate Points

Total Points

1. The page/site is clearly organized and contains content that creatively welcomes the audience to the Showcase and introduces the artifacts/assignments using multimodal forms of communication (pictures, videos, comics, graphic organizers etc). The page is clearly laid out. The site greats the user with an introduction to the author’s philosophy of education. The navigation bar at the top of the site gives links to follow the artifacts, an ongoing analysis of the author’s educational philosophies and how they are changing, the artifacts connection to the Teaching Performance Expectations and the author’s ever-changing set of goals.

2. The selection of artifacts/assignments demonstrates clarity of ideas and concepts for multiple audiences (peers, instructors, & school leaders) and would be useful to learn about the candidate’s perspective on teaching and learning. The page will appeal to multiple audiences. Artifacts like Digital Citizenship, the Game will be of interest to teachers. The thorough connection of artifacts to the TPEs will be of interest to employers and administrators. Meanwhile, the selection of artifacts like 27 Ways to Engage Parents would help connect the overall purpose of the site to both students and their families.

3. The selection of artifacts/assignments for this course shows a clear description of the evidence and thoughtful analysis of how the candidate’s professional growth connects to two or more TPE elements. The artifacts in the digital showcase have all been connected to a multitude of TPEs. The classroom management brochure can be related back to TPE 2.2. The brochure which establishes four basic rules set goals, maintain a positive classroom environment, be active listeners and T.H.I.N.K. before you speak creates positive interactions between students and encourages a positive tone for multiple perspectives in the classroom. As in TPE 2.6, the brochure’s purpose is to establish clear and positive expectations for student to student, student to teacher and student to parent interactions.

4. The candidate provides a recommendation for continued professional growth of beliefs, teaching practices and/or knowledge related to the identified TPE elements. The showcase itself ties a two to three-part growth plan to each artifact and class. These growth plans are further tied back to the TPE’s where these skillsets are deemed important.

5. The candidate has provided a clear explanation of how the selected assignments/artifacts contributes to their Showcase in a positive way. The rationale for including each artifact is embedded into the page for the artifact itself. The rationales came from similar assessments applied to each artifact. An edited version is found on the artifact page against a grey background. These rationales explain how the artifacts contribute to a positive classroom environment, their connection to the TPEs, their effect on my philosophy of teaching, and how they connect to the INSPIRE framework.

6. The candidate’s reflection shares evidence that is connected to the construct of INSPIRE as framed by the candidate.  Providing evidence of growth from the Intra (self as inspired teacher) and Inter (how I inspire my Pk12 learners) perspective. Two out of three artifacts directly answer how the artifact connects to becoming an inspired teacher. The first artifact does so by teaching me first about myself and how my own personal biases will change the way I interact with students. Artifact three does so by answering how the teacher can find broader methods of communication with parents which can be turned into proactive methods of parental communication and support. While, artifact two does answer questions in the growth of educational philosophies, it does need some additional information about how that change will inspire the students within the classroom.

7. The TPE elements I chose is strongly connected to the assignments/artifacts I selected and shows growth of my beliefs, teaching practices, knowledge, and professional dispositions as an educator. Yes. With each artifact, there is a separate page that lists all the TPEs and which artifacts connect to those TPEs. Each time an artifact is connected to a TPE, a rationale is included. While the artifacts are not organized by TPE, the TPEs are organized in the order they are introduced. I found this easier than classifying artifacts by TPE, because in some cases one artifact touches on quite a few TPEs.

8. My reflective narrative exhibits detailed evidence of professional growth as I become and “Inspired Educator”. This includes my experience inspiring Pk12 students (Inter) in the classroom and includes people, experiences, and events that have inspired me to become a teacher (Intra). Yes. This narrative begins with my philosophy of education. It follows me through each class. It highlights one artifact, which it connects back to TPEs, future goals and in two out of three cases, my journey as an inspired teacher. The organization, while not exactly the format recommended in ITL 606, is clear, relevant and easy to follow. It shows clear patterns of growth as each artifact touches on new TPEs and helps establish new goals. And each artifact, is multimodal incorporating images, charts and text styling to help communicate and emphasize that growth.

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